Unusually for a firm of our size, we have significant experience and expertise in the NZ Court system handling many types of issues that can arise between people, organisations, and businesses.
We also have expertise in handling Mediation and Arbitration, which can be very time and cost effective ways to settle civil claims.
Our experience and knowledge of Court processes means we are empowered in negotiations to help our clients avoid Court and the usually significant additional financial implications. Sometimes Court cannot be avoided, and if that happens we are often able to handle the proceedings ourselves or if the matter is highly complex or the amount involved very significant, then we have excellent connections within the Barrister profession in New Zealand.
There are a number of Courts and forums where disputes can be handled. We can help our clients decide the best way to proceed in particular circumstances. Although we cannot attend as advocates we can help clients make informed decisions and prepare for attendances at the Disputes Tribunal ( for claims up to $15,000, or $20,000 if both parties consent) or the Tenancy Tribunal.
Types of disputes in which we have represented our clients include